6 Quotes on Giving to Inspire You Today

I received a call one day a couple years ago that caught me off guard. It was the Uber driver I met in Austin months before when I was there for WooConf. His time spent with Uber was used to supplement a business he was getting off the ground, so I gave him my card and told him to give me a call if he ever needed help with a website or online marketing.
And, that's what he did.
His phone call was to inform me that he had been approved for a merchant account, but in order to get final-final approval, he needed to have a website. After talking with him for a couple minutes, I realized he didn't have the budget or need for a website we would build for him, so I recommended an inexpensive, yet awesome website building tool we recommend sometimes and talked him through a few ideas to help him get started. I also offered to take a look at the site before he went live, to offer any suggestions before we shared his site with the world.
When I got off the phone, I felt just as good as if I'd closed a $20,000 deal.
So, in that light, I thought I'd share six quotes on giving that expose the true meaning, value and experience of giving.

Now it's time for you to do something.
What are you going to "give" today? A word of encouragement? A small gift? A helping hand? A piece of advice? Whatever works for you, just give something today.