One Question You Should Be Asking Yourself

This is week nine of a series where I'll be sharing a chapter from my book (Stop Selling Start Helping) each week. If you missed the previous weeks, click here to view all chapters. To learn more about Stop Selling Start Helping, click here.
No One Cares
Get over yourself. No one cares.
Seriously. No one actually cares about your product or service.
People only care what it/you will do for them...
Will you solve my problem?
Will you help me?
(And, in some cases, Will it make me feel good?)
When your audience comes in contact with your business, do you help solve their problems better than anyone else in the world? (Thanks, Marcus Sheridan – aka @TheSalesLion – for this little question! We’ll get to that question soon enough.)
Well, do you?
CH 9 One Question You Should Be Asking Yourself
As I just mentioned, when it comes down to it, there’s really just one question that should drive your sales and marketing efforts.
“When people (visit my website, talk with my salespeople, come in contact with our brand, etc.), do we help solve their problems better than anyone in the world?”
Dang. That’s a great question, right?
Hard to hear the answer, though, if we’re being truthful. But, in an age where people can get information from all kinds of sources, if you want to genuinely lead your industry, the answer to this question HAS to be “yes.”
I love Jay Baer’s concept of “Youtility“ ( idea that you need to be a valuable resource for your clients and prospects. He says it like this:
“The objective is not to make information. The objective of content marketing is to produce information that customers and prospective customers will use.”
So, for example, when people visit your website, do you help solve their problems better than anyone in the world?
If not, what’s the purpose of your website?
If not, what are people going to walk away with when they visit your
If not, maybe you shouldn’t even have a website at all?
That last one may seem a little harsh, but think about it. If all you do is provide information about your product, bios of your staff, pictures of your product...but you’re not helping solve your prospect’s problems, they’ll move on to the next company who will.
Seriously, how did you answer the question?
“When people (visit my website, talk with my salespeople, come in contact with our brand, etc.), do we help solve their problems better than anyone in the world?”
If your marketing and sales efforts aren’t helping your customers and prospects improve their own lives and businesses by answering their questions and solving their problems, you’re missing out on an opportunity to 1) help more people and 2) grow your business beyond your wildest imagination.
Helping is the new selling. And you’ll be left behind if you don’t embrace this fact.